Six-on-Saturday 28-11-2020

It’s not been easy to take photos the last couple of days with rain and fog but I’ve managed the essential six. I am looking forward to coming out of lockdown but into Tier 2, so still rather restricted. Never mind, we are both fine and I have managed a couple of short runs in the last 2 weeks but not on the scale that Mr Propagator’s doing – according inside information. πŸ˜‰

Here we go with my Six-on-Saturday for this week.


Yes, the hollyhock is still there but not for much longer I would think.


All of the penstemons have at least one bloom on them. This is the nearest one to scarlet. When we had our front drive done nearly 10 years ago, the builder asked if there were any plants to avoid, so I asked him to steer clear of the lovely, bright red penstemon. Imagine my dismay/language when I looked out that evening to see the big yellow digger parked right on top of it! I haven’t found exactly the same one since but this is pretty near.


I pruned all the roses this week but had to leave the last buds on the Rhapsody in Blue and the beautiful, mystery rose. We shall see.


The bay trees. I think I will have to leave their winter coats on now.


The flower buds on the Magnolia Stellata……..there are plenty. (Sorry for the blurred effect.)


Well, a quarter of a second before I took the first photo my robin friend was posing beautifully on the brown bin. I had waited ages for him to stand still. Never mind, this one didn’t move a feather.

Have a good weekend and I hope you manage to get into your garden.

13 thoughts on “Six-on-Saturday 28-11-2020

    1. The “blue bird” is actually a wire sculpture of a robin done by a friend whose “job” is creating life size wire animals and birds. If you are interested, his name is Rupert Till and his website is quite amazing. If you fancy a copper wire horse’s head, you won’t get much change from Β£200000……yes, that many zeros! Mine was a birthday, Christmas, birthday, Christmas present for my other half. It is about 1metre tall and it is sitting on a steel golf club.


    1. Listen…..the wind was blowing, I hadn’t a spare hand to hold the magnolia steady while I took the photo and my glasses were in the house so I thought it was just my poor eyesight.πŸ‘“ Anyway, you are only complaining because you haven’t done a Six-on-Saturday that I can criticise. πŸ˜›πŸ€£

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  1. I hope the hollyhock can hold on a little longer, it’s such a gorgeous, rich colour. The roses still have leaves on them! Mine are bare – completely bald (still flowering though so not complaining!

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