Six-on-Saturday 20-02-2021

Here we go, Six-on-Saturday, or should we call it “Hunt for Six-on-Saturday “? We like a challenge. πŸ™„πŸ€”


This is quite a small daffodil, not miniature but only about 15 cm high.


If you look carefully, you can see the shoots of the white Dicentra Spectabilis in amongst the perennial geranium, aquilegia and the dreaded celandine which has started going berserk all around the garden.


The cyclamen which were flattened by last week’s frost have mostly perked up nicely. I have removed all the sludgy flowers, leaves and stalks and I’m hoping the masses of buds will open soon.


The first sightings of rhubarb shoots on the left and a clearer view of the climbing rose (🌹) below the obelisk. (I know, not that again!)


Now to indoors. The Money plant is flowering profusely, so we must be in for a windfall…….will the Premium Bonds oblige? πŸ™„πŸ˜¬


That orchid again. It is at least 7 years old and will flower for about 4 months and, I must admit, I have done nothing all that time apart from watering it gently. Goodness knows what it would look like if I actually looked after it.πŸŒΈπŸŒΈπŸŽ‰πŸ€¨

Have a good weekend. I’ve hung out the washing, so not much hope of a dry afternoon here.

17 thoughts on “Six-on-Saturday 20-02-2021

  1. My money plant must be 10 years old and has never flowered. I thought they needed a lot of hot weather to do that, I think I have only ever seen them flower in South Africa. What do you do to yours? As for the celandines, I’m not sure you can ever get rid of it. I dug out tons last year, but it is back again and in other places around the garden. I don’t actually mind its shiny yellow flowers, but it does tend to swamp out the other bulbs nearby.

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    1. My money plant didn’t flower for ages until a few years ago and has flowered each year since. It is permanently in the conservatory but that rarely gets to tropical temperatures. I do nothing to it except water it when it gets dry. As you say, the celandine aren’t ugly, far from it, but I don’t want them all over the place.

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  2. I have money plants a plenty, but like the others above, no flowers – so yours is quite a rarity! Pretty too. Yes I see your cyclamen look to be in much better shape than mine. I won’t give up on them just yet, but there’s quite a slimy mess to clear away…

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  3. Well you said you were hunting for six, but you certainly managed to find them.. Beautiful orchid. I’ve never been able to keep one alive for more than about five minutes!

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  4. Lovely to see that money plant flowering – like many others above, it’s a first for me. I loved your ground level shots – could almost imagine what it must be like to be a small bird! Strangely enough, I was looking for my own Dicentra only yesterday – nothing yet, but then the last one died too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a couple of friends whose money plants are much bigger and are covered in the small flowers. As I may have mentioned, this didn’t flower for years. I wonder whether it is only the very mature/big ones that do.


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