Six-on-Saturday 10-10-2020

I mowed the lawn yesterday for the first time in at least a fortnight. It “lifts” the whole garden. I keep thinking that finding 6 items will be too much of a challenge but each week I have to make difficult decisions. Anyway, so much to cut back, as Mr P says, but so much colour still – I’ll give it another week or two before I dive in with the secateurs.

Here are this week’s Six-on-Saturday.


Begonia of the week again. The 4 troughs are still looking good, so 🤞no frost for a while yet.


I mentioned to Pádraig I would show another picture of this blue salvia which, although a slow starter, has flowered on and on for several weeks.


Well, I’m convinced it’s early summer…….what further proof do I need? The gladiolus may be a red or orange colour? We’ll see next week.


Here’s one for Paul. Hope you are well and hope to see your blog again soon.


You may remember that I bought a clematis from Morrisons several weeks ago. Well, I was robbed! It cost £1.80, but last week, Aldi were selling a similar one for £1.69! I’m not sure where I will put it but that’s not the point, is it?


I mentioned this disaster last week. I don’t think there is a problem with the wood rotting, it’s the nails that have come loose. Any screws are quite secure. It’s drying out in the garage ready to be put together sometime in the winter.

I showed the beautiful golden tree in the cemetery last week. Here is a closer look, Jim, for identification purposes.

It is an even deeper gold colour now.

Have a good weekend. I must get out to the garden, if it doesn’t rain today, so I may not look at all the other posts for a while.

15 thoughts on “Six-on-Saturday 10-10-2020

  1. Very pretty photos this week, there are more than six but it’s nice to look at.
    The flamboyant colour of the cemetery is eye-catching, the future clematis will be very pretty, the deep colour of this hollyhock gorgeous and I see that the Mexican orange tree is flowered again like mine.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve got a confused clematis too but my hollyhocks are long gone. The wheelbarrow will look great when renovated. I look forward to an ID on the tree. It looks fabulous there in the graveyard – so graceful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The begonias are looking beautiful. Your garden definitely has a feel of summer about it. I love the clematis scrambling around the tree trunk! The tree in the cemetery is totally fabulous!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The tree is red oak, which seems to go yellow more often than it goes red. Scarlet and Pin oaks are similar but do go red, often a bit at a time. It was the scale of it that threw me last week, it looked like a smaller tree.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I was going to suggest Gambel oak, or Shin oak, but I will bow to Jim’s superior knowledge! A lovely tree, such a beautiful golden colour. I like how the colour of the hollyhock compliments the sedum. And what is that gorgeous white flowering enormous shrub? Mock Orange? A very confused six. No-one would think this was October looking at this post.

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    1. That white shrub is a Mexican Orange blossom which only flowers in the spring. 🤨🤔 I must insist that I am NOT confused……..well, maybe I can’t count to 6 pictures. 😟🙄


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