Six-on-Saturday 22-02-2020

Before I go any further, those of you who were getting excited about seeing the other half of the fruit cage today I am afraid will be disappointed. 😪 I have had a heavy cold this week 🤧 and we have had our lovely daughter and granddaughter from Dubai staying for a few days while they visited her twin sons at their universities in Durham and in Bristol. (I think those excuses will do, won’t they?)

Yesterday, I noticed the first of my daffodils showing colour, so here we go with this week’s Six-on-Saturday.


Small but very pretty. The forget-me-nots and perennial geranium plants are looking healthy too.


The daffodil/lavender hedge is promising. These are the ones where I only get about 50% of them opening. I will watch what happens this year.


The clematis Montana (first photo) is showing plenty of leaves and several flower buds now. The clematis Jackmanii is showing many leaf buds now. I may have mentioned that I was concerned that I had cut it back too far and removed too many buds. The same thing has happened every year for the last 15 years or so, I should be more optimistic.


Little, yellow crocuses looking good. The forget-me-nots and the perennial geranium plants are also very healthy. 🤭


The pulmonaria is always a welcome, different colour at this time of year.


Mystery object.

This has been in amongst other bits and pieces in my greenhouse for years. It is 6 or 7cm long. It was my mother’s but I don’t know whether it is for the greenhouse (where it was found) or for the sewing/knitting box. It isn’t for French knitting – you know, where 4 little nails are hammered into the top of a wooden cotton reel and you form a long, thin, knitted, woolen tube by manoeuvring the yarn under the stitches of the previous row…….mind you, I can’t remember ANY uses at all for a long, thin, knitted, woolen tube!

Any ideas?

That’s it again. Have a good weekend and let’s hope we can enjoy the garden for a little while anyway.

23 thoughts on “Six-on-Saturday 22-02-2020

  1. Mystery object…cane toppers for four small canes or wires to support a plant in a pot? It may have been a handle for a tamper? Those geraniums look pretty healthy and look as if they won’t be long flowering.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. You have some excellent excuses. I hope you’re feeling better now. I think the mystery object is a handle for something you would turn like a clothes mangle. It has certainly been held over the years.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your suggestion. I could use it as that certainly. The garden is healthy but I have just spent a couple of hours out there and it is very, very muddy. It was good to get the fresh air and we are lucky that all we have is muddy soil here.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice to see the daffs are out. I’m coming round to pulmonaria. I may get some for the shady bed and the bees. You’ve reminded me that I need to check whether my montana is showing signs of buds. I chop it back rather savagely each year. I hope you’re feeling better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry to hear you have been unwell. I hate colds. Though an excuse to stay in bed, drink hot toddies and keep warm! Unlike the garden which is not warm at all. Your perennial geraniums – are these the weedy ones? I know hardy geraniums are sometimes referred to as perennial geraniums, but looking at all yours they look like the ones I pull out here by the ton each year. I think they are Dove’s Foot Cranebill or Geranium molle. I also get a lot of the shiny ones too (Lucidum) and Herb Robert. I used to think they were rather nice until I realised how much they spread their seed! The mystery object looks like some kind of handle to me, but useful as a dibber.


    1. In theory, lavender doesn’t grow well in clay soil (and mine is very heavy clay) but I have several different coloured plants in the back garden and most of those making up the hedge were grown from seed. I do cut away woody stems each year, but they seem to keep going quite well.


  5. I’m in the dark about your mystery object, but it certainly is a handsome bit of wood – I’d be tempted to put it on a shelf inside to remind me of my unfathomable parents. I suspect you’re a more practical person than myself. The 4 holes suggest it’s a handle of some sort, as others’ve suggested. Your pulmonaria blooming tells me mine are duds. However, mine were gasping under a shrub & only discovered last autumn, so perhaps there’s hope. Both the clems & the daffs are looking so good.


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