Six-on-Saturday 14-12-2019

We have just had a few days in sunnier climes, that is, visiting our younger daughter in Dubai. Lovely, warm weather but hungry mosquitoes were a nuisance.

Anyway, using my daughter’s garden and a few from home, here are my Six-on-Saturday for this week.


The bougainvillea (I have just checked the spelling but this tablet doesn’t like it!) are beautiful all year round in Dubai. Years ago I asked whether it loses its flowers and leaves in winter? The question from one grandson was “What’s winter, Granny?”


The perfume from this huge jasmine tree is lovely. The flowers are quite unusual but, again, go on most of the year.


Back home, water lying in parts of the garden where I haven’t seen it before. Too squelchy for me to tread on to remove that dandelion.


I picked up these bags of horse manure from a local farm. Am I getting older or are they packing more into the sacks? I could hardly lift them into the boot of the car. Never mind, I now shovel it out to where I need it rather than trying to lift it again.


There are lots of these Cerinthe Major seedlings showing already. They seem to have survived the recent frosts so we shall see what happens to them before the spring.


I think our resident cat has the right idea. Maybe I will curl up and have a snooze…… but no, that’s what old people do so off outside while the sun is shining!

Enjoy your weekend in the garden.

13 thoughts on “Six-on-Saturday 14-12-2019

    1. We wouldn’t have gone to Dubai if our daughter hadn’t been there. We must have visited over 30 times in the 16 years since she left. It’s an interesting place but not one for relaxing walks and lush, green fields.

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  1. The contrast between Dubai and England is striking, at the same time on the flowers, the humidity and the cold, I guess.
    These long-flowered jasmine are incredible. I have never seen them like this until now.


  2. I’ve passed through Dubai a number of times ( on my way to somewhere else) but never stopped for a visit. I imagine it must be a very interesting place to visit, though perpetual summer isn’t something I would relish. It’s an interesting contrast between the Dubai photos and your garden photos.

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  3. I loved both the jasmine (so unusual!) & those bougainvillea. But yes, maybe summer all year ’round, it might be much, altho at the moment, w/puddles in my garden that look very similar to yours, 12 months of summer sounds like a good idea. I got manure pellets from the same nursery where I bought my pumpkin vines last year – recommended dosage of a handful per row, so a lot less labour intensive. The pumpkins did really well in that patch, but the corn did not & I wonder if it’s cuz I also put down a bag or two of manure mixed w/compost, not trusting this ‘handful’ craic – too much of a good thing for young corn plants perhaps. Should’ve believed what it said on the tin. Anyway, think your cat has a good idea. May now go follow suit.

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