Six-on-Saturday. 19-10-2019

I had no chance of taking the Six photos yesterday, we had torrential rain and some thunder. So, a genuine Six-on-Saturday this week!


Quite a few “not again!” pictures this week. Anyway, the only hydrangea I have “keeps on giving”. As I have said before, I took it for granted for many years until Mr Propagator’s SoS prompted me to look around the garden more carefully and show more appreciation for my plants.


The crabapples continue to go darker and darker red each week. I was on the verge of doing something drastic with the front garden, i.e. having it gravelled over, but the tree has made it look much better. I will tidy all the flowerbeds soon. The lavender hedge has been trimmed and I was looking forward to shredding the stalks since the smell is lovely but……


…….I was about to shred a large load of the twigs/cuttings, including the lavender, but as I piled them into the wheelbarrow to transport them to the Shredder, I noticed plenty of red worms working on the lower cuttings of lavender, so here is the Compost Container which has masses of shreddings under these lavender twigs. If you look closely, you may be able to see some of the worms. (PS. The container is still looking good!)


Surely that hollyhock can’t be flowering still? Yes, it is!


I have verbena bonariensis in several places round the garden but I don’t think it has featured in any posts this year. Here it is, rather battered by the rain but still flowering and still colourful!


I bemoaned the fact that I didn’t have enough green tomatoes for chutney this year, but by combining them with some “measely” apples and marrow, I am hoping for just as tasty a chutney this year! It is on the cooker as I write this. (The resident greenhouse mouse has sampled a couple of the apples which I left in there overnight – I didn’t use those ones.)

Update…….now in jars! First taste was slightly vinegary, but sometimes the recipe suggests it should be left to mature for a month. Well, I will try it with my cheese etc. for lunch once it has cooled and we shall see.

That’s it for another week. We have glorious sunshine today, although, looking out I can see clouds looming on the horizon! Have a good weekend in the garden.

7 thoughts on “Six-on-Saturday. 19-10-2019

  1. That hortensia ! REally beautiful colour! I often have blue ones here with sometimes one or two flowers pink ( like this year). The #2 apples look more tasty than those of #5 but you already knew that because you chose to make chutney : a good deal

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Having enlarged my compost bins last year and built several big heaps, I’ve been a half hearted poster this year. The pruning etc from my garden dont make much of a dent in my now large bins. I need to go get more stuff. Glad to see yours is still providing good service.

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